“Not right now son, I’m busy. Dad’s had a long day at work” — I’m not proud to admit it, but I lost count of how many times I said that to my son. The truth is, I wasn’t busy.
I was just so out of shape that I hardly had the energy to shift my frame from the couch.
Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to run around with him, teach him how to throw and catch, how to defend himself, and just spend time and energy with him.
But with type 2 diabetes and numbers on the scale like mine — that felt virtually impossible.
The problem is, I’d tried to get into shape before…
I’d tried those programmes promoted by Men’s Health cover models and social media fitness influencers…
I tried playing footy with the lads…
And I tried more diets than I can remember.
But I couldn’t stick to anything. Either life got in the way or I was too tired.
Then one day, I stumbled across Defeat Diabetes Australia.
And they helped me transform my body…
Without going to the gym (if I didn’t want to)…
Without following silly diets
And without sacrificing time with my family.
Now I wear “normal” sized clothes.
I’ve completely turned my health around.
And I’m full of energy and motivation.
But most importantly (to me), I’m giving my son a better man to look up to.
To discover how I did it…
And how Defeat Diabetes Australia has helped hundreds of Ozzie blokes do the same…