An image of Pete

Pete used to get up 6 times a night to pee and drink water. He wasn’t just thirsty… his body CRAVED water. Not only that, but his belt buckle was on the last notch.

He knew something was wrong, but had no idea what it was…

Until one day during an unrelated trip to the doctors, they decided to run some tests.

He was surprised to hear that he had type 2 diabetes.

And while it sent his mind racing a million miles per hour with worry about the future…

At least he now understood why he’d not been able to get in shape the past few years.

It explained all the failed detoxes, diets, and exercise programmes…

And why nothing made the scales budge, not for a meaningful length of time anyway.

But after trying so many things…

And getting nowhere, Pete was lost.

The advice he was given was generic and unsustainable.

And his frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom were making him more tired than ever…

Which led to stress eating…

So every time he pricked his thumb for a reading, the numbers were never where he wanted them.

When Pete discovered us, he found himself at a crossroads.

He could either continue as he was…

Feeling lost and confused, getting worse every day…

Or he could set his scepticism about us aside and see if we could help.

And unlike all the common solutions he’d already tried, we DID help him.

Because Pete got into fantastic shape in a matter of months.

He also got his nighttime peeing and intense thirst under control.

So not only does he love the way he looks…

He enjoys deep and restful sleep, actually waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day head-on…

Giving his wife and kids the best possible version of himself.

He went from worn out and ashamed…

To a strong, proud role model.

The best part?

He didn’t have to follow a lame diet or go to the gym.

Instead, we guided him toward making small changes to his lifestyle and habits…

Changes virtually any man can make.

Tap the button below to discover how our dietician, scientifically-backed approach has helped hundreds of guys with type 2.

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