“I had every excuse under the sun to avoid exercising more and eating better…”
See I’ve worked hard all my life…
Yeah I sit at a desk all day long to provide for my family…
Unfortunately for me, I’ve never really taken my health too seriously and placed too much focus exercise or on what I eat.
Generally, I eat ‘ok’.
Yeah – I like a beer (or two) on occasion with mates at the pub to unwind when I get a chance…
And on the rare occasion, I’ll get down to the beach for a surf.
So generally speaking…
I would have considered myself ‘healthy’.
To my surprise though…
Last year I went to the doctors for my annual ‘health check’…
The results came back that I had ‘pre-diabetes’.
Yeah, that news SHOCKED me.
See I have a family history of it in the family and too many of my loved ones have ‘kicked the bucket’ way too soon…
And I don’t want that for me or my family.
The thing is I didn’t want to have to give up everything I enjoy or have to go on some crazy ‘diet’.
It needed to be simple and easy to follow.
Luckily, one day I came across Defeat Diabetes Australia.
Their team of evidence-based dietitians and coaches changed my life.
They showed me that I didn’t have to go to extreme measures to get into shape…
And that kicking my bad habits was not only possible, but easier than I’d ever have imagined.
Just months later my body and life did a complete 180.
My old clothes fit properly again…
And I actually feel “good” — waking up looking forward to each day instead of dragging myself out of bed.
Defeat Diabetes Australia has helped thousands of blokes reclaim their body, confidence, and life…
All thanks to easy lifestyle changes and simple education on the body and nutrition.